PREVIOUS: The ‘Art of Thinking about Morality’ Leicester Secular Hall, 13th January 7.30pm
Philosopher Dr Greg Scorzo will be giving an entertaining talk followed by a discussion.
Leicester Secular Hall
75 Humberstone Gate LE1 1WB
Human society is grounded in the expectation that everyone be moral. Virtually every political idea
is defended in the name of its moral goodness, while we socialise every child to become an adult who is
morally good. Morality allows us to trust one and other, as well as protect society from crime, corruption and the harming of the innocent. Yet none of us can adequately define what morality is. There are unresolved debates about whether or not morality is objective. There are worries that the demands of morality are so high, most people can’t be expected to satisfy them. There are even worries that human flourishing depends on momentarily putting aside the demands that morality makes upon us. Given these worries, how should we think about morality?
is defended in the name of its moral goodness, while we socialise every child to become an adult who is
morally good. Morality allows us to trust one and other, as well as protect society from crime, corruption and the harming of the innocent. Yet none of us can adequately define what morality is. There are unresolved debates about whether or not morality is objective. There are worries that the demands of morality are so high, most people can’t be expected to satisfy them. There are even worries that human flourishing depends on momentarily putting aside the demands that morality makes upon us. Given these worries, how should we think about morality?
Can you be a good person without worrying about whether or not you’re a morally good person?
Admission min £3.00. Pay as much as you can afford.
Talk starts at 7.30 prompt.
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