charlie chaplin

PREVIOUS: The ‘Art of Thinking’ about Political Comedy, LCB Depot 21st Feb, 5.30 doors, Talk at 6pm

Talk at 6pm –

£5 and £3


5.30 Drinks and snacks in bar. Talk and discussion at 6pm in Courtyard Room. 

There has been a long tradition of Comedy that takes a political position in relation to current events. From silent movie star Charlie Chaplin to the alternative comedy of the 80’s Comic Strip members; from the anarchic Bill Hicks to the ranting Jonathan Pie. Political Comedy is satire that specializes in gaining entertainment from politics; it has also been used with subversive intent where political speech and dissent are forbidden by a regime, as a method of advancing political arguments where such arguments are expressly forbidden.

You can argue that the aim has always been to be fearless and send up and critique the mainstream culture, in order to hold up a mirror to the establishment.

Today is Political Comedy thriving or is it being stifled and censored unless it suits limited political agendas? 

Watch clips, listen to a talk, have some discussion led by the entertaining and insightful philosopher, Dr Greg Scorzo.

Then carry on with some long rambling conversations in the bar.

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