PREVIOUS: “That’s so tacky!” The ‘Art of Thinking’ about BAD TASTE, 20th SEPT, LCB DEPOT, 6.30pm
Having “good taste” can arguably give you a bad reputation, bearing connotations of rank snobbery. Judgments of what is in good or bad taste are often viewed as a masquerade for class privilege and wealth. But could such judgements also be ways in which we find communities that make us feel like we fit in?
Could such judgements be a way for us to cultivate our own taste, learning how to self-express through the identification of our particular style? Does bad taste sometimes reflect genuinely bad values we should look down on and is there a sense that if we enjoy something in bad taste, we are making a mistake?
Watch clips, listen to a talk, have some discussion led by the entertaining and insightful philosopher, Dr Greg Scorzo. Then carry on with some long rambling conversations in the bar.
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