May 68

PREVIOUS – “POWER TO THE PEOPLE!” The ‘Art of Thinking’ about Protest AT LCB DEPOT, LEICESTER – 17TH MAY 6.30pm


Dr Greg Scorzo

DOORS 6.30pm TALK 7pm

£5.00 or £3.00 concessions


An evening practicing the ‘Art of Thinking’

with Empathy, Clarity and Courage.

What is the nature of protest in the age of social media?

May 1968 was a seminal moment in terms of civil unrest in France. 50 years on do we take for granted change happened because of people willing to protest the injustices of society? Does this square with democracy? Isn’t democracy about convincing society to change, rather than simply protesting where society has done wrong? What do we think about protest today in the age of social media?

Watch clips, listen to a talk, have some discussion led by the entertaining and insightful philosopher, Dr Greg Scorzo. Then carry on with some long rambling conversations in the bar. Special guest artist appearances, to be announced.

Challenge and develop your personal worldview, and unravel your thought processes

First of 4 summer evenings that will centre around the 50th Anniversary of 1968 and the political and cultural changes that occurred. These will be compared to current political and cultural trends in the contemporary digital age.

We will be looking at past and present happenings, through film and video clips, poetry and music. Learn new ways of thinking outside of the box and gain tools to use in other aspects of your personal life. Link up with other people who enjoy free-thinking.

‘You don’t have to think like everybody else.’

Food and drink (with bar) available from Gray’s Coffee Bar and Kitchen.

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